Lenina square 1, Mahachkala, Russian Federation

General medicine

Medical Faculty is the largest and the main educational, scientific and practical division of Medical University “Dagestan State Medical Academy, Russian Ministry of Health.”

The supreme governing body of the Faculty is its Academic Council. He supervises the Academic Council of the Faculty and everyday activities Dean, who is elected by the Council of Scientists of the University and is approved by the Rector’s order.

Since 2001, the medical faculty is headed by Honored Scientist RD, MD, professor Razin Mirzekerimovich  Rahimov, who introduced in the educational process computer testing, which played a significant role in improving the performance at the faculty. Deputy Dean of the medical faculty at courses work assistant, Ph.D. RT Savzihanov (1 year), associate professor GM Haziyev (2nd year), Assoc., Ph.D. RI Isayev (3rd year), associate BR Ibragimov (4th year), KM Ashurlaev (5 year) and MM Omarov (6 courses), Dean’s Office Manager – PM Abdulaev.

The main directions of activity of the faculty are:

  • training of young professionals in the specialty 060101- “medicine” in close connection with the educational process of clinical practice and research, taking into account the practical health queries;
  • introduction in educational process of evidence-based medicine on all levels of the professional competence of a doctor-graduate specialty “Medicine”;
  • the active use of the potential of scientific schools of medical faculty for reserve training of highly qualified personnel, increasing the motivation of students and young teachers to scientific and pedagogical growth;
  • active participation in scientific search, aimed at ensuring a high level of public health and increasing life expectancy;
  • guarantee the acquisition of the necessary clinical experience during the period of practical training and the use of its capabilities to strengthen the students’ communication with collectives of medical institutions, their social and professional orientation;
    development of new highly effective methods of treatment and their implementation into practical health care;
  • providing high quality care to the population;

Training at the Faculty is carried out mainly in three specially-steam ( “internal medicine”, “Surgery”, “Obstetrics and Gynecology”). After graduation, those who have good and excellent academic performance, showed a tendency to scientific research, continues to specialize in narrower fields of medicine (ophthalmology, urology, neurology, X-ray diagnostics, neurosurgery, psychiatry, otolaryngology, infectious diseases, cardiology and others. ). PLO VPO on specialty 060101.65 – “medicine” of the Dagestan State Medical Academy won the contest “The best educational programs of innovative Russia” in 2011, 2012 and 2013.

Medical faculty always had a high level of training, very active in the research work and high professionalism in medical activities carried out in the departments, clinics and university laboratories. Students have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge on relevant subjects, in scientific circles.

Preparation on a specialty 060101.65 – “medicine” students take 50 Daggosmeduniversiteta departments, 11 of which are departments of the medical faculty: Department of propaedeutics Internal Medicine, Department of General Surgery, Department of Childhood Illness Medical Faculty, Department of Faculty Therapy, Department of Surgery №1, Department Faculty surgery №2, Department of Obstetrics and gynecology, medical Faculty, Department of hospital surgery Department of hospital therapy №1, Department of hospital therapy №2, Department of hospital therapy №3. Manufacturing Practice Medical Faculty students pass the Republican Clinical Hospital, Republican urology center Municipal Hospital of Makhachkala sea port, railway hospital, the Republican Center for Emergency Medical Care, GBUZ “Maternity hospital №2», the Republican hospital disabled Great Patriotic War and the Republican hospital №2 TSESMP.

Graduates of the faculty work in various medical institutions of the republic, Russia and foreign countries, led by major medical and scientific research centers. Among them: Jalaluddin Gadzhievich Saidbek – Professor of the Medical Faculty of the University of Rome «La Sapienza», Gudrat Mugutdinovich Abdulkadyrov- MD, PhD, director of the Russian Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion (St. Petersburg), Visampasha Yusupovich Hanaliev – d. M.Sc., professor, deputy. director of medical work GBUZ “National Medical and Surgical Center. NI Pirogov MoH SR RF »Elmira Guseynovna Glubokovsky – MD, professor, member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, Peter Afanasievich Klimenko – MD, PhD, chief medical examiner of the Russian Federation of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Zemfira Saadulaevna Alakbarov – MD, professor, Head. Department of the Institute of Medical Sciences Institute of rheumatism, Hasan Shahmanovich Davudov – MD, professor, deputy. Director GBUZ “Scientific-Clinical Center of Otolaryngology MoH SR RF» Magomedbeg Dibirovich Dibirov – Honored Worker of Science, Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Head. Department of Surgery Medical University “MSMSU MoH SR RF» Hiyir Tagirovich Abdulkerimov – MD, Professor, Head. the Department of Otolaryngology Medical University “Ural State Medical Academy, Ministry of Health of the Russian CP” Yansiyat Yandilaevna Zaydieva – MD, Professor, Art. Researcher in GBUZ “NC Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology,” Gaziyan Hadisovich and Jamal Musaev Tinavovich Abdurakhmanov – MD, professor of clinics First MGMU them. THEM. Sechenov, Magomed Magomedov Mallaevich and Karine Georgievich-gievna Hachumova – MD, professor Rnrmu them NI Pirogov and others.

Much attention is paid to the aesthetic education of students. There are all conditions for physical training and improve sports skills.

Considerable success in the sport have achieved the graduates of medical faculty. Among them, 2 Honored Master of Sports of the USSR: the five-time world champion and 9-time European champion in freestyle wrestling Zurkarnaevich Ali Aliyev, who worked as an assistant professor of operative surgery, then the chief physician of the Republican hospital № 2, and later – Chairman of the Sports Committee of the Republic of Dagestan and the world champion, Olympic silver medalist in freestyle wrestling Magomedhan Aratsilov.

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