Lenina square 1, Mahachkala, Russian Federation


Since the opening of the Faculty took place 11 graduates pharmacists with higher pharmaceutical education, who can work in offices of pharmacy networks, research institutes, pharmaceutical companies. From 1 to 3 courses, students study the humanitarian and socio-economic and natural – scientific, mathematical and medical-biological disciplines (philosophy, bioethics, pedagogy, psychology, pharmacy history, biophysics, mathematics and computer science and chemical disciplines, physiology anatomy, biology and microbiology, etc.).

At the undergraduate study professional disciplines (pharmaceutical and toxicological chemistry, pharmaceutical technology and biotechnology pharmacology, clinical pharmacology and pharmacognosy). The greatest attention is paid to the study of management and economics of pharmacy, medical and pharmaceutical merchandising, management, marketing and other disciplines, contributing to the training of specialists to meet the modern requirements of the pharmaceutical market.

Educational and industrial practice is carried out in collaboration with pharmaceutical institutions and organizations where the students get the skills of organization of pharmaceutical business.

Students of the faculty take an active part in sports competitions, and amateur. Many graduates of faculty work in retail establishments of Moscow and other Russian regions. Dean of the Faculty since its opening and till 2008 worked as head of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacy, Ministry of Health chief clinical pharmacologist RD, Honored Doctor of the Republic of Dagestan, PhD, Associate Professor Tina Magomedovich Abdurakhmanov. From 2008 to 2014 was dean of the faculty Associate Professor of skin diseases Aminat Magomedova Magomedovna, and from 2014 to the present dean is Associate Professor, Department of General and Biological Chemistry Gazimagomedova Madina Magomedovna.

The organization of educational process at the Pharmaceutical Faculty in accordance with the charter of the DSEA, applicable regulations, the position of faculty, professional educational program. Education students is determined by the state educational standards of higher professional education (SES HPE).

The curriculum of the specialty “Pharmacy” set the duration of study, full-time – 5 years with a total labor input of 300 credits. Training GOS VPO plan fully reflects the component of the state educational standards, as supplemented by the regional component, includes elective courses students and fully complies with HPE in terms of total hours. For all subjects of the curriculum have the final form of control, which meet the requirements of an exemplary curriculum. The training program has a list of mandatory and additional literature. The academy library there is enough literature, certain licensing requirements and comply with the degree of novelty. There are control tasks for the intermediate and final control, examinations and tests on the relevant departments of the Faculty of Pharmacy.

Practical-Laboratory Center Faculty of Pharmacy allows you to organize the educational process in accordance with the requirements of state educational standards of higher professional education. All natural sciences provided by laboratory workshops. Teaching laboratories are equipped with expensive laboratory furniture, microscopes, spectrophotometers, polarography, fotoelektrokollorimetrom, refractometer, other complex technological equipment. A major role is given to carrying out educational and industrial practices, which are used for the passage of a network of pharmacies, “MFS” and “healer”. On these bases, students study the activity of the analytical and production departments, the organization process. For medical practice and study using a database of the Railway Hospital in the city of Makhachkala. A major help in the organization of practical training on botany and pharmacognosy has Mountain Botanic Garden, Dagestan Scientific Center, RAS, Caspian Institute of Biological Resources, Dagestan Scientific Center, RAS and Botanical Garden DSU donated by laboratories and production areas.

Number of basic textbooks in the University of titles and number of copies has been brought to levels that comply with minimum standards of security institutions of higher education training base. Since 2006, the library is a member of the consortium DSMA to create a “Russian Medicine” database that allows the use of a central database of federal scientific medical schools Library of Medicine. Also, the library has e-mail and computer education programs.

All Department of the Faculty of Pharmacy are equipped with computers. For information databases for students and staff of the Academy equipped space Internet access.

In order to implement vocational training programs for the “Pharmacy” specialty established laboratory classes for subjects such as physical and colloid chemistry, analytical chemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmaceutical technology, pharmacognosy. To date, material and technical equipment of educational process on the specialty 33.05.01 (060301) “Pharmacy” sufficient and meets the licensing requirements.

The faculty created and operates educational-methodical commission on specialty disciplines and professional curriculum to guide the “Pharmacy”

During the period of 2011-2015. prepared training manuals for the main sections of the program. All disciplines are provided with educational complex.

Educational work is an integral part of training process. educational work with students through the learning process is carried out at each faculty department. Teachers conduct classes so that simultaneously with the knowledge of the students appeared responsible attitude towards the future work, responsibility and diligence in solving practical problems.

For outside training and educational work with students without restrictions used classroom and athletic base Academy. Of great importance is the organization of aesthetic education of students. Many students of pharmaceutical faculty enthusiastically take part in amateur circles in sports activities. The best students will be awarded certificates, awards and scholarships.

The development of the educational activities of the Faculty is closely connected with the need to strengthen research, fundamental research, both in industry topics Health Ministry and the regional programs. The structure, organizing the scientific activities of students are student scientific circles, where students are engaged in a well-achievers. The desire of students to demonstrate their creativity, as well as a serious approach to the selection of the students scientific work lead to notable success. The level and quality of knowledge of graduates of the Faculty of Pharmacy DSEA, organization of educational process, methodical support, formulation of educational work meets all the requirements imposed studying at the Pharmaceutical Faculty.

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