Lenina square 1, Mahachkala, Russian Federation


The history of formation and development of the Dagestan State Medical University
The first doctors arrived in Dagestan together with Russian troops during the Persian campaign of Peter 1 in 1722. They were left by Peter 1, after his departure from Dagestan to serve the troops and local residents. In the mountainous region at the time were mainly doctoring healers Hakim and Jarrah. Traditional medicine has had its successes, but the beginning of an organized medical service was due to the addition of Dagestan in Russia in 1813.

Pre-revolutionary Dagestan had a very sad indicators of population health. Official statistics only poorly reflect the true picture of morbidity and mortality. By the time the ad Dagestan Autonomy (1922) there were about 20 doctors in the cities of the country, 1,000 people accounted for one hospital bed, in the majority areas do not have any doctors or hospitals.

In the 20 years of Dagestan visited the RSFSR People’s Commissar of Health, NA Semashko, Professor AN Sysin, Martsinovsky and AV Molkov. Their arrival significantly altered the country’s health condition. Open hospitals, clinics, midwifery school, and so on. D. However, the young republic, booming economically and culturally, continues to acute shortage of medical staff. Wanting to radically change the situation Vsedagestansky Congress of Soviets declared “health DASSR third shock front.” From the minutes of the meeting number 15 SNK DASSR of 14 April 1932 .: “.. For the organization of the medical institute and resolve problems connected with it, create in the composition of the Organising Bureau: comrade. Nahibasheva (Chairman), Professor Bayrashevskogo, Abassalieva, Gafurov, Omarkadieva, Shanavazova and Danil’yan, obliging him to immediately expand its work so as to ensure the opening of the institute and a set of students for September 1, 1932 … ”

A week later, April 22, 1932 SNK DASSR made the fateful ruling of the number 94, which decided the fate of the future of the medical school.

November 7, 1932, the day of the 15th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, was inaugurated in the capital of Dagestan Medical Institute – one of the three institutions of higher education of the young republic. The Institute was given the name “Dagestan State Medical Institute named XV anniversary of October.” From the Charter of the Dagestan State Medical Institute: “1. Dagmedinstitut is administered NK Zdrava RSFSR, is the highest educational and scientific institution that prepares specialists in preventive and curative health care industry … 4. The Institute has its own independent estimates and the financing plan approved by the RSFSR NKZdravom … 5. The Institute has the right to publish their scientific papers … 6 . The Institute has its stamp … 41. The right to go to college are all workers and their children are not younger than 17 and not older than 35 years … 42. Persons wishing to enter the institute must: pass a test in Russian language, mathematics, social studies and chemistry in the amount established by the Tax Code of the RSFSR … common. ” Thus began medical training in Dagestan.

The first director of the Dagestan Medical Institute was appointed Muslim Yusupovich Nahibashev – a man who has gone from ordinary medical assistant to the People’s Commissar of Health of Dagestan. Deputy Director for Science and a teaching professor Omar Aliev Bayrashevsky invited from Azerbaijan. He was sent to an urgent business trip on the university cities of the country (Moscow, Kiev, Kharkov, Minsk, Moscow, Baku). He is in talks with the directors of universities and professors, asking persuades, convinces provide staffing assistance to the young university. In no time the mission was carried out with great success.

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